


1. Joshua foundation Golf tournament.1:30 p.m. Stoneybrook West Golf Club

           조수아파운데이션 골프대회.

2. 5/1(Wed.) 10a.m. Woman shepherd’s PT meeting. 여성목자 PT.

7p.m. Wednesday Holy Spirit Service. 수요성령집회.


3. 5/4 (Sat) 2 p.m. City Evangelism at Winter Garden. 노방전도(윈터가든에서)

6 p.m. Stewards’ Prayer Meeting. 청지기기도회


4. 5/5(Sun.). After 2nd service. Bible Festival. 어린이주일 성경축제

5. 5/11(Sat). 7 a.m. All Shepherds’ meeting. 7a.m. 총목자모임

6. 5/12 Mother’s day. Seminar and prayer meeting for church members.전교인세미나 및 제직기도회

7. 5/15. (Wed.)7 p.m.  Awana Award Ceremony.

8. 5/18(Sat.). Session. End-Semester performance (Korean school). 당회. 한국학교학예발표.

9. House church events 가정교회소식:

1)House church conference for shepherds. Houston. 7/11-13. Registration is open 목자컨퍼런스등록. 4월 등록시 등록비 25%할인.

2)Commissioned pastor Kim- 5/3-5. 김인기 파송목사. 부산 남천교회 말씀잔치(손영준 목사)

Comment금주의 한마디; Please do not bring coffee or other food to the sanctuary. The last rows are for the elderly who have difficulty moving around and need to use the bathroom, as well as for those in charge of worship. If not, please sit from the front.

본당에 커피나 다른 음식물을 들고 오지 마세요. 제일 끝 줄은 거동이 불편하고 화장실을 가져야 하는 어르신들과 예배 순서를 맡은 분을 위한 자리입니다. 그렇지 않은 분들은 앞에서부터 앉으세요. 


아나운서:배소희, 작가:이정화,영상편집:김유리


Announcements 교회소식

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